I was cleaning up the iPhone the other night and noticed I had a collection of gems hidden in the photo album. Those moments in a casino when you just HAVE to take a picture. We've all done it. I put out a call to action and asked my blog readers and friends to submit their casino photo gems. I received far too many pictures to post at one time, so this will be an ongoing project. Please submit YOUR photos of wondrous catastrophe to
Here is the first set of photographic brilliance. May you find as much delight in them as I have.
Floor personnel are responsible for monitoring ALL activity on the poker tables. Submitted by a dealer. |
That guy, in the background.. the lurking pedophile? We like to call him Pleather. |
Kai Landry describes this picture in his own words: "Little Ford Fontleroy meets Captain Kangaroo meets Loreal meets NAMBLA. WHY?!? Got shepherd staff! Got hooves? Got curling iron? If only he were licking a gigantic lollipop, this picture would be solid gold. |
Only on the Vegas strip, just before a WSOP event, is an offer so appealing. |
This woman and her wheel chair, in full wedding dress complete with veil, heels and train.. wander around a Tunica casino looking, presumably for her groom. When not cruisin' the scene, she'll routinely be seen resting in her wheelchair.
This goes on for days at a time. |
Submitted by an anonymous Floor Person. Instead of "People of Walmart" we have "People of Poker". This is a good look. WINNING.
I like to call this one "What your floor people are doing when they're not at work". Submitted by a dealer. This photo, of floor personnel extraordinaire Chris Mills shows just what a party animal he can be. We all want to be a princess when we grow up.
Few get to live the dream.
Kai Landry. Poker Player. Fashion Icon. Expert at Blowing.
Yes, Justin, you just became "That Guy". Justin Choctawww Kruger at the Rio, WSOP 2011.
Submitted by a poker room GM. Cover Girl, you got the look.
Reason #921 to visit the Beau Rivage. Dealer Patrick Gormandy.. He's got skillz to pay the bills.
One of my personal favorites. During an event in Durant, the casino had to be evacuated due to a storm. This is the dealer rotation board in the poker room. Some floor person was kind enough to notify the dealers of their impending doom.
Booty. Apparently it's the Pecker Picker Upper.
Jeff Griffith of Bustout Fame enjoying all that Tunica has to offer at '37 Steakhouse.
Circuit dealers, hard at work.
This submitted by poker player Justin Choctawww Kruger. We can only assume, for a wreck of this magnitude to take place in a casino parking lot, that it had to of been one hell of a bad beat.
Submitted by Dan Walsh. Nothing like the truth, I say. |
...And this, ladies and gentlemen, is just the first batch! Keep 'em coming!
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